Thursday, February 2, 2012

Down to buisness

Alright, so I'm done fucking around, here is how things are going to play out from now on, I'm going to post things people need to get done each Monday.

For this upcoming Monday (2/6) here is what is going to be done.

Kevin: An actual design document, complete with all enemies, upgrades, platforms (moving and non moving) character abilities, also I need you to get me a list of enemies you want done by Monday.

Serguei: Fix collisions, either we need to go with Unity's standard collisions and slow down our game, or we need to get this working.

Robert: Once Kevin gets the list of enemies he wants by monday, I need sprites for each of them, they dont have to be complete .gifs with their animations, atleast one standard sprite, and an attack /  moving version of the sprite.

Ivaylo : I need you to get the character sprite done. I need atleast a run cycle, attack cycle, and a reverse of these so we can actually implement directionality

Myself: I'll be coding all the enemies Kevin gives to me, including implementing the sprites from Rob, I'll also be looking at implementing basic background sound.

These are not optional.


  1. [from Brian] Nice post, Zach! It makes sense to do this type of post weekly.

    Please let me know if any of you guys need anything from me!

  2. I will do my part asap. I had a lot of things going on lately.

    Don't get too carried away, we have to keep our cool and also be professional about it.
